Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Solstice

Daniel and I went out to the Stony Brook area on Long Island for the summer solstice. A guy Daniel works with grew up on this farm on the sound and they have big parties all the time. A bunch of people showed up and camped out, they had bands playing all day and night, we went swimming in the sound. It was fun and nice to get out of the city for awhile. 

 Horseshoe crabs doing it

I start work July 6th for a program called BELL. I'll be teaching art in the Bronx. We had a training day Saturday and it looks like it will be fun. Came up with a few projects I think the kids will like. I'll be working with 6th-8th graders.
Since the city is so expensive I've been pulling out all this fabric I shlept 3,000 miles and am starting to make dresses and stuff out of it. I figure it gets ride of "my to much stuff" and I don't have to spend money. I will post them later and I have 2 other crochet projects I need to post.

I finished my jewelry class at Harlem Village Academy. There are some pictures of the girls work at the bottom of the page at this link I created of student work

From one of the weeks we had a heat spell
"Hot town summer in the city"