Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day

Well the snow finally came, i'm not counting the freaky snow storm in October.
The snow has already stopped falling and I think that might be it for a while. Daniel took advantage of it and went out snowboarding on the streets of New York. We live in a hilly area so he went to some paths and did some mellow slow speed snowboarding. He said it was fun. I wish I went with him to take photos, but I am sick with a cold. Not fun.
I have one more week before school starts, and I want to take advantage of it.

So I realized even though I like the idea of making sweaters and buying yarn to make sweater, I don't like actually making sweaters. I like making afghans and other tiny projects. I don't have the patients to make sweaters.
The colors look a little different, but that's the afghan I'm working on, which will take me forever to make.
Not sure why my iphone made the colors look off. oh well. Though even with getting the yarn on sale when I'm done it will be an expensive afghan.
With my holiday crocheting, I missed Halloween because I couldn't make enough skulls (will save them and start to make more for this years Halloween). I couldn't get everyone a snowflake for the New Year, I sent a lot out to family. They take awhile to because you have to starch them. So now Valentine's is coming up again, and since I already did puffy hearts I'll have to figure something else out. 
We'll see :)

1 comment:

  1. I think sweaters are just as easy... if you start with yourself. Just put swatches together and make your own design. That's why I never follow a pattern and make things up along the way. More fun that way because nobody will have your design. Vests are the easiest. Make something like a large pillow case with a hole on top. Put on your coolest belt and you are fashion forward, New York or anywhere! Hope you are getting better and enjoying school.
