Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mindo - Cloud Forest

This passed weekend Daniel and I spent some alone time in Mindo. It is a known spot for bird watchers. I was excited to see some hummingbirds and a few other species. We even caught a glimps of a female "Cock of the Rock". I wasn't able to take a picture though. There were also tons of beautiful butterflies.
We had a great time on the Zip lines (13 different lines). Flying over the canopy, I giggled and squeeled. Though I wasn't able to perform any aerial dance, I was so excited after that I told the guy I wanted to work there and he offered me a job. Mmmm....plans for next summer :)
We went tubing down the river and hiked to check out some waterfalls. On our last night we stayed at the Mindo Gardens which was beautiful. You stay in little cabins on the river. Your room looks out into the jungle and you fall asleep to crickets, frogs and the rushing of the river. I could have spent an extra day or two there.

1 comment:

  1. The butterfly is breathtakingly beautiful! Zipping through the forest canopy sounds so fun, too. You sound like you're enjoying yourself so come back, though.
